If you’re in the market for headphones, ask yourself these questions to help you weigh the pros and cons of over-ear vs. open-ear vs. in-ear headphones. Depending on your answers, you may be firmly in the “focus and immersion” camp or the “freedom and awareness” camp.
Do you want to block out external noise?
Do you want the spatial audio experience?
Do you need to focus on work and keep out external distractions?
Do you prefer wearing headphones that seal the ear canal, or leave it open?
Do you need to always be aware of your surroundings?
Are you usually stationary or moving when you listen to music?
Do you change tasks frequently and need to talk to others often?
Do you like to wear headphones all day, or do you listen in short, concentrated bursts?
Is it important that other people aren’t disturbed by your listening?
What’s most important to you: focus and immersion, freedom and awareness, or comfort and fit?